Political Science 01

The Government of the United States

section #7684

SPRING  2017 
(FEB 6th - JUNE 5th)

see Page 2 of the SPRING  2017  LAHC Schedule for important dates/deadlines specific to enrollment, drops, adds, etc.

Dear Student or prospective student:  

If not enrolled, please consult Admissions/Student Services for seat availability, i.e., whether or not the course has filled or is still open.

IF/WHEN enrolled, please
make sure to log in before the end of day on the first day of classes - failure to log in by this time may lead to you being dropped.

After logging in, go to the left menu bar,  CLICK > "Syllabus" - all information to get you on the right track will be found there.

There are no on campus requirements - entire course from beginning to end is completely online.

TEXTBOOKS for Heffner's POLI 01 ONLINE - no other materials associated with the textbooks are required.

REQUIRED: American Government and Politics Today 2014-15 Brief - 8th edition Schmidt, Shelley, Bardes ISBN10: 1-285-43638-5 (or) ISBN13: 978-1-285-43638-8

A paper/printed version may be purchased from the LAHC Bookstore.  OR, from another reputable textbook vendor.    You may also purchase directly from the publisher @ http://www.cengagebrain.com/shop/isbn/9781285436388.

(CourseMate, student study tools for the Am Gov't text is NOT required, however, it is packaged (for free) with the purchase of the paper/printed textbook).

Other option directly from the publisher:
  Rent the eBook at a fairly significant cost savings @ http://www.cengagebrain.com/shop/isbn/9781285438412 (once at their site, in right column click the "eBook" option for more information.  According to their website, both online AND offline access to the book are available, as well as through mobile devices.  (CourseMate, again not required, however, if you want this resource, it will cost an additional $10.00 if/when using the eBook rental version).

REQUIRED:  California Politics a Primer, 4th edition  by Van Vechten.   Available in hard copy from LAHC Bookstore or other reputable reputable book vendor; also at the following where a digital copy can also be purchased/rented.   https://www.vitalsource.com/referral?term=9781483375618 or , https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/california-politics/book24472.


  USING AN OLDER EDITION OF THE SAME TEXT Each past edition loses some utility and since important areas of the course material are aligned with the page numbers and specific content of the current editions, there is some risk that must be assumed by the student.     With this said and although I cannot recommend older editions, if using the very last edition (the one before the current) generally, content change is minimal and thus, less risky.

To log in:

You will not see our course tab until I publish the site, no later than  6:00AM on the first day of classes, OR, no earlier than the afternoon-early evening the day before classes begin - look for the tab "LAHC POL 001 7684 SHEFF SP17". The gateway to log in is at: https://myetudes.org/portal.    

When the course is enabled, click the above link and:

1. Use the first two letters of the your first and last name AND;

2.  the last five digits of your Student ID #;

3.  password is the month/day of birth, no spaces, hyphens or "/" (you may change the password once you have logged in)

for example:

Scott Heffner would be:  sche; and added to this the last five digits of the student ID #; thus > sche57889.

If my birth date was October 9, then 1009 becomes my initial log in password (notice the "0" used for single digit days).

If you have problems logging in, review the information in the left menu bar at the Gateway.

To learn and/or better utilize and navigate ETUDES?  
After logging in,  review-read the "Student User Guide", also found in the Modules.

Cityscape from the Embarcadero IMG_4451_2_3
@ 5/10/13 @ 7:24PM SF CA

Communicating with instructor; two acceptable/preferred ways:

1.  use the Private Messages (PM) system within the course (once you have access) OR,
2.  send me an email @ Heffneredu@Charter.net

NOTE: If using email, ALWAYS include: YOUR NAME;  what COURSE (and what college) you are enrolled in, I also teach elsewhere.
If using Private Messages (within ETUDES), you do not need to include the above info as it will auto-stamped when I receive your message.

Looking forward to working with you.

Your Professor,
S. Heffner