bodega bay sunsetBodega Bay
additional information on above photograph?

NOTE: Content on these pages ([song catalogs], text, music, recordings, sounds, images or other media, etc.) are 99+% free of any generative AI [aka A.I.] inclusions -
when/if used directly, a notation indicating such, will be (or is) attributed.  

3rd party applications/software utilized in the design and/or presentation on these web pages, where the 3rd party does not
make their use of AI known to the user, is not then considered part of this acknowledgement.

- all below (regardless, in spite of or simply expressing through fake names but in a very real body of work) are by (and from) the same,  intentionally segmented, individual -
Unless otherwise noted or attributed to other creators/authors/artists; the
sounds and music, writings, images, movies and other original creations on this page and,
those featured on the associated sites linked above, are

copyrighted as so indicated

By the songster, Charly Humbolt (on the music side) ... Song (and Piano) Catalogs may be found here  music note
Featured for the day from the dusty, yet relevant archives :  music note  Sometime Believer


  By the image/rendering maker, SC Heffner digital paintings and photography butterfly


By the nom de guerre, Iony Smith, written words

Again, unless otherwise noted or attributed to other creators/authors/artists; the
sounds and music, writings, images, movies and other original creations on this page and,
those featured on the associated sites linked above, are

 copyrighted as so indicated
© 2024

recent selfie

masked or unmasked,
smile when you can
up to you, I think?


 (first web presence through the current, string of projects)

 (commercial/business, artistic ventures)?

- Find of interest at the above websites content (music, lyrics, photos, digital paintings, or written words and wordsmithing) befitting a project in development (or existing) -
Give me a shout out with your contact information and what your interests are, can communicate with whatever works; email, zoom, phone, etc.

Non-profits always provided with special accommodations, let me know of your needs.

(Any website errors, misdirects, etc.,  please contact me with the issue - definitely keeps the site fresh, vibrant and fragrant)