bodega bay sunsetBodega Bay
additional information on above photograph?

NOTE: Content on these pages ([song catalogs], text, music, recordings, sounds, images or other media, etc.) are 99+% free of any generative AI [aka A.I.] inclusions -
when/if used *directly, a notation indicating such, will be (or is) attributed.  

*3rd party applications/software utilized in the design and/or presentation on these web pages, where the 3rd party does not
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music note  Listen  to hear california the most recent song by Charly Humbolt (songster/lyricist/musician name).
he first Catalog page for Charly Humbolt, including the most recent offering may be found here.


  View a sample of digital paintings and photography by SC Heffner (@ birth name) butterfly


 Read/emote with the written words of Iony Smith  (writer/author/poet name)

Unless otherwise noted or attributed to other creators/authors/artists; the
sounds and music, writings, images, movies and other original creations on this page and,
those featured on the associated sites linked above, are

 copyrighted as so indicated
© 2024

recent selfie

masked or unmasked,
smile when you can
up to you, I think?


 (first web presence and continuing the muse)

 (commercial/business, artistic ventures)?

- Find of interest at the above websites content (music, lyrics, photos, digital paintings, or written words and wordsmithing) befitting a project in development (or existing) -
Give me a shout out with your contact information and what your interests are, can communicate with whatever works; email, zoom, phone, etc.

Non-profits always provided with special accommodations, let me know of your needs.

(Any website errors, misdirects, etc.,  please contact me with the issue - definitely keeps the site fresh, vibrant and fragrant)