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© 2016 Iony Smith

(in six lines patterned thrice into rhyme)

Thought as glimmering pulsing light
resonating through space or dilemma of sorts
tangling with reason seemingly in flight
transparent and opaque as crystal quartz
streaming currents of dancing forms
hoisting sails through cerebrum storms

Thought leading to actions unapparent from start
an invention, a work of genius spawned
even congealing a broken and weeping heart
pathways forged as both gentle and stinging correspond
ideas born in eternity searching to be free
inspiration from the Muse of Calliope

Thought in as many bits and pieces as atoms in a day
more than can readily be put into worth
resting to perch on a lofty cumulus array
awakening again to sluice heaven and earth
transforming an idea’s soil into all that can grow
thought once envisioned is all that we can know

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