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The Me We Share
© 2016 Iony Smith

I listened to my conversation with others and heard me and not them, but I guess that was okay as it was I who was talking and not them. Yet, when others spoke I again heard me and found that peculiar and disturbing?  So the next opportunity for social discourse, I was committed to hearing what others had to say and although successful, interestingly, what I heard said was about them?

Do we only hear ourselves in others and they through us, them - well, if that be the case, we understand each other better than I thought.

And, who am I talking to when I talk to myself? Setting up a question with a reply then a continuation until the mumbling and sub-vocalizations slip away into the ether.  Guarding a little secret that everybody has and that everybody hides, our best communication, sometimes, is a conversation with ourselves.

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