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An Hour
© 2018 Iony Smith

an hour seems about right and not too short
    unlike a second hand or when a minute sweeps
enough time for questions to ask
or even to finish up where you were last

an hour seems about right and not so brief
    for taking in a setting sun
enough time to feel the cooling night
or even the first dawning light

an hour seems about right but not so quick
    for a walk in the park or to read a book
enough time to rejoice in being alive
or even to stretch breathe deep and thrive

an hour seems about right and if needed
    stringing together more as in twenty-four
enough time to see the world and beyond
or even billions of years from whence spawned

an hour seems about right with room to spare
    to challenge fears and cultivate hope
enough time to be at peace with both
or even hearing birds banter through old growth

yes, an hour seems about right to be with all these
    to collect and harness good thoughts
enough time to muse upon endless space
or making sense of chaos and its random pace

an hour seems about right

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